Angus | #17556277
SAV Resource 1441 x SAV Madame Pride 0413
SAV Madame Pride 3256
Allen Rita 9423
Angus | #19539882
SAV International 2020 x Meadow Acres Rita 5134
SAV Madame Pride 7986
Angus | #18887086
SAV Cutting Edge 4857 x SAV Madame Pride 9803
Meadow Acres Rita 5134
Angus | #18327448
LGW Bedrock 1289 x Meadow Acres Rita 142
SAV Madame Pride 0661
Angus | #19810909
SAV President 6847 x SAV Madame Pride 5809
Angus | #19407765
SAV Regard 4863 x S AV Madame Pride 1134
SAV Madame Pride 9334
Miss Yardley e86
Angus | #19265556
SAV Cutting Edge 4857 x SAV Madame Pride 9803
Angus | #19177716
Connealy Capitalist 028 x Miss Yardley B181
Miss Yardley E66
Angus | #19772292
SAV Resource 1441 x Coleman Donna 5361
At Allen Brothers Cattle we believe the fastest way to move a program forward is through embryo transfer. Each year we transfer a large number of embryos to increase the quality of our calfcrop and in return create success for our customers. It all starts with the FEMALE.
Great bulls are always backed by a great COW!